"Our children on the street, I have seen tears that fallen down from their face, it's hard to see." This is the portion of the song that I have composed during my first year in college in the Humanities subject with Mr. Tado as our teacher. We were required to create an original lyrics of a song using any existing songs. I have chosen the song "Aubrey" by the America because of its solemn tune.
I love the song that I was inspired to change its original lyrics into lyrics that focused on the lives of street children. Sometimes, we are irritated to see these children because of
their physical appearance, stinky, and dirty. They will asking for money or food while we are eating in a carenderia or having our snacks in a refreshment. When we hand something to them, other street children will be in parade to ask for more. (Louy man unta pero lagot lang pud kung ingon ana na ang sitwasyon.)

Unfortunately, there are children also who are used by syndicates to earn money. It's pity to think that these young ones are trying very hard to earn money for that day because if not, they will be punished by their handlers,
(Kawawang mga linalang.) We can do nothing but to help these individuals instead, and put them into the right institutions which will take care of them and provide the biggest opportunities they are supposed to enjoy.